Thursday, April 25, 2019

The destoried Vision of a young kid

I am not pretty Good writer but i like to upload & share simply for fun shake.
This makes me feels a little bit pretty good.
So here it is :
extracted from "The Golden Future" Ch01 last para.
An OSHO book so this was My vision for future and i have been longing for it since very young age peoples looks into others with weird kinds of VISIONS with all which is friction in fact whole life and humanity is a friction in a way.
Many peoples live it they die , they kill each other out of these Ideas pretty weird they become Unhuman I don't like it.
Peoples are going to kill me , humilate me out of these Ideas don't you think it is pretty weird.
The Old is falling a part why don't they accept it... even if they will do it

World is werid LOL games

Some peoples really struggling out for the Money out there & Now see it here,
Some Peoples makes tons of Money in just hrs.
Its 113 BTC Profit do you understand how much it is
4,34,98,990.25 INR "India Currency"

Strange world around
Some even dies due to lack of few 100 Rs (" diseases caused by drinking poor water & other lack of awareness ")

Few are simply making cr's in few hours well yet giving money as a charity is not "Cool" man that is helpless.
Money won't actually helps it's creates a Sens of having something In real by the ways in peoples but it's not Cool....
You won't buy anything out of money, In real you simply exchanges things in such a Complex way that you need not to bother a lot many things simply Go on working ON around & you need not to bother even for it.
Your tons of problems are solved out of money you travel really less due to money.

In fact world is a Joke "Mobiles were invented to save your time" THIS ONLY TAKES MOST OF YOUR TIME.
Simply busy with almost nothing worthy.

Money were invented to save you from running a lot moving here & there but today peoples moving a lot simply for money.

Most peoples travels around the most for some good amount of Money as a salary..... yeah Peoples have different longgings....

World is build upon hack TONS of Hacks , if you really Look into IT.

 Okay so enough for this post just normal kind of talks thanks :) 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

God man osho

God man in Pune

Today i saw that Dynamic Meditation in Pune.
here it is Video link
contain pretty much +18 content nude / naked video image of female sannyasins of osho.
by the ways things were not that bad and was pretty okay okay.
and that fat old lady singing the song is really Good.